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EGM results, new statutes and new board!

The IDF is having the Extraordinary general Assembly on the 20th of September 2023 online, using a zoom platform, and physically in Bolzano at the FIDART headquarter.

Present at the EGM are:
· Alexander Von Egen: President of IDF
· Robert Nisbet: Executive Vice-president of IDF
· Zhou Mei: head of Asia and Board Member of IDF
· Mate Vukoja: Board Member of IDF
· Ruben Funosas: Board Member of IDF
· Karl Plank: representing Italy with proper proxy from the country
· Siegfried Vorderegger: Representing Austria
· Mutlu Turkmen: Representing Turkey
· Marco Tomasini: Representing Poland with proper proxy from the country (appointed CEO by the board)
· Anita Pariani: Representing Malta
· Oleksandra Boliak: Representing Ukraine
· Baulesch Yves: Representing Luxemburg
· Theodoros Tsaganos: Representing Greece
· Ivan Močić: Representing Croatia
· Michaela McClain: Representing Germany with proper proxy from the country
· Karol Chircher: Representing Czech Republic with proper proxy from the country and Slovakia
· Khayankhyarvaa Odbileg: Representing Mongolia

We have also three guests:
· María García Castro
· Niki Machaira
· Marco Zerbini

Countries with vote rights:
1. Luxemburg – present at the EGM
2. Czech Republic – present at the EGM
3. Malta – present at the EGM
4. Italy – present at the EGM
5. Greece – present at the EGM
6. Liechtenstein – not present at the EGM
7. Poland – present at the EGM
8. Croatia – present at the EGM
9. Austria – present at the EGM
10. Ukraine – present at the EGM
11. Turkey – present at the EGM

Countries starting the re-certification process, not yet concluded, with voting rights:
1. Germany – present at the EGM
2. Mongolia – present at the EGM
3. Thailand
4. China
5. Slovakia – present at the EGM
6. Finland
7. Spain (only a contact person) – present at the EGM

We have 10 members to the 11 that have the voting rights.
For the provisional members we have 4 to the 7 members.
The EGM is correctly called and correctly formed.

The president of IDF starts the introduction speech and a welcoming the members.
All the members accept that the guests can attend the EGM without nothing against.

The first point in the agenda is the:

· Nomination of the president of the assembly and of the general secretary of the assembly

The general assembly elects unanimously as president of the Assembly Marco Tomasini and as Secretary of the assembly Marco Zerbini.

· Approval of the agenda

The president is asking the approval of the agenda. It is approved unanimously.
The EGM started following the AGENDA and gave the opportunity to the president to move the agenda topic as he wish in order to speed up the process. All approved.

· Re-Certification of the members

The president explained that we have a decision from the previous General Meeting that will put all the federation in an old status (provisional status), in order to understand which members are still active, fulfilling the criteria of the statutes and working correctly under the new guidelines.

All as been published on the website.

The proposal is to accept as full member the following countries:
1. Luxemburg – present at the EGM
2. Czech Republic – present at the EGM
3. Malta – present at the EGM
4. Italy – present at the EGM
5. Greece – present at the EGM
6. Liechtenstein – not present at the EGM
7. Poland – present at the EGM
8. Croatia – present at the EGM
9. Austria – present at the EGM
10. Ukraine – present at the EGM
11. Turkey – present at the EGM

Some of them are new members.

At the same time, the president is communicating that we are working on the following countries that are provisional members:
1. Germany – present at the EGM
2. Mongolia – present at the EGM
3. Thailand
4. China
5. Slovakia – present at the EGM
6. Finland
7. Spain (only a contact person) – present at the EGM, they are working to establish a federation

All the members approved the motion and confirm the action done by the CEO.
IDF now is composed by 11 Full members and the certification will continue in the next years without problem in order to increase the numbers of the countries.
All is approved unanimously.

· Approval of the Statutes

The president reminds that we are working to update our statutes and we need to push further the recognition at international level of the federation. It has been sent the copy of the statutes and it has been seen by all the members.

Specifically, there has been distributed the motion from Italy that has been adopted sending a second copy of the statutes and of the bylaws.

At the same time, the board is proposing to start a recognition process and an agreement with WDF, so we need to change the statutes, adopt new policies and delete steel darts.
All the members have read the statutes and the bylaws. The structure of the statutes has been analyzed during the EGM and read correctly. The website is also shown to the members in order to better understand also the new structure of the federation without any doubt.
No questions are done and no motions have been presented during the EGM.
All is approved unanimously. IDF is adopting a new statutes and bylaws.

· Approval of the Policies

The IDF CEO has sent to all the members the policies approved by the board and already displayed on the website. It is important that all the members have read all the documents and have received them. All the members confirmed that they have seen and read all the documents.

At the same time, even if the policies do not need a formal approval from the EGM, the board prefer to have a formal approval to reinforce the concept of their importance and of their acceptance.

All is approved unanimously and the policies are officially in place.

· Move IDF headquarters from Swiss to Italy - creation of the new entity in Italy and close the entity in Swiss under the fiscal point of view

According to the suggestion of Italy, according to the suggestion of several board member, the idea is to give the opportunity to the CEO to decide if the IDF can be moved in Italy, in Bolzano, and registered in Italy, or it can be moved in Lausanne, Swiss. Under different point of view, the CEO is supporting the idea that the headquarter stay in Swiss but moving in Lausanne.

The EGM give full mandate to the CEO to find an headquarter in Swiss, Lausanne, in order to fulfill all the criteria and the budget of the federation. If it is not possible, it is also accepted by the EGM to move in Italy.

The proposal to move in Swiss, Lausanne is approved, and, in case there are no conditions to stay in Swiss, it is already approved to move in Italy in Bolzano.

· Election of the board

The candidate are the following ones

· Alexander Von Egen

· Anita Pariani
· Karl Plank
· Oleksandra Boliak
· Turkmen Mutlu

Only two are going to be elected

General Secretary:
· Anita Pariani
· Karl Plank
· Oleksandra Boliak
· Marco Tomasini

Only one is going to be elected.

Board Members:
· Anita Pariani
· Zhou Mei
· Karl Plank
· Marco Tomasini
· Mate Vukoja
· Robert Nisbet
· Oleksandra Boliak
· Ruben Funosas
· María García Castro
· Niki Machaira
· Michaela McClain
· Turkmen Mutlu

Only 9 are going to be elected.

There are enough candidates for all the positions.
After it has been showed to the members and to the candidates, in full accordance, some of them are preferring to withdrawn the candidature in order to have a clear election and to cover all the slots without problem.

So, the new situation is the following one:

· Alexander Von Egen

· Anita Pariani
· Karl Plank – withdraw the candidature
· Oleksandra Boliak – withdraw the candidature
· Turkmen Mutlu

Only two are going to be elected

General Secretary:
· Anita Pariani – withdraw the candidature
· Karl Plank – withdraw the candidature
· Oleksandra Boliak – withdraw the candidature
· Marco Tomasini

Only one is going to be elected.

Board Members:
· Anita Pariani – withdraw the candidature
· Zhou Mei
· Karl Plank
· Marco Tomasini – withdraw the candidature
· Mate Vukoja
· Robert Nisbet
· Oleksandra Boliak
· Ruben Funosas
· María García Castro
· Niki Machaira
· Michaela McClain
· Turkmen Mutlu – withdraw the candidature

Only 9 are going to be elected.

With the new situation there are only one candidate for each position.
All the candidatures are approved and the EGM is asking unanimously to vote not with secret ballot.

Going one by one with all the candidate, the EGM elects unanimously the following board:
· President: Alexander Von Egen
· First Vice-president: Turkmen Mutlu
· Second Vice-president: Anita Pariani
· General Secretary: Marco Tomasini
· Asia Board Members: Zhou Mei
· Europe Board Members: Mate Vukoja
· Africa Board Members: Ruben Funosas
· Pan-America Board Members: Michaela McClain
· Oceania Board Members: Robert Nisbet
· Athletes Representative Board Members: Niki Machaira
· Athletes Representative Board Members: Karl Plank
· Parasport Board Members: Oleksandra Boliak
· Women in Sport Commission Board Members: María García Castro

The newly elected Board have the authority to examine and approve membership applications but still have to be verified in the coming assembly. The board will decide the membership fees.

All is approved unanimously.

· Approval of the following membership

The board already approved the idea to become member of the following entities, associations and organizations:
o International Sport Culture Association
o The Association for International Sport for All
o International Council Coaching Excellence
o Global esport Federation
o Sport and Sustainability
o International Fair Play Committee
o European Fair Play Movement
o United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
o United Nations Climate Change
o Green Sport Alliance
o UNAOC – United Nations Alliance of Climate
o ICCSPE – International Council Coach Sport Physical Education
o Virtus
o World Ability
o International Sport Network Organization

The board would like a formal approval from the EGM in order to conclude the recognition process and join all these entities.

All is approved unanimously

· Cooperation with WDF

The EGM is approving full mandate to the CEO to find the associate memberships and the agreement with WDF, giving mandate to the first vice-president to be liable with the CEO to find a common agreement.

· Appointment of the CEO

The president of the assembly is leaving the floor to Robert Nisbet as new elected board member and previous executive vice-president of IDF to manage the last point in the agenda for the clear of conflict of interest.

The board approved in the last meeting to appoint Marco Tomasini as the CEO, Chief Executive Officer, of the International Dart Federation. Robert is proposing officially to the EGM in order to appoint him, in order to have the full power given by this role. As it is a direct delegate from the General Assembly and from the new elected board, he has the full power to manage the federation on behalf of the board, with the same power. Alexander Von Egen, according to this new role, is delegating the full power to the CEO.

The members are very happy and approved unanimously the appointment. Marco Tomasini is not voting by his decision to void any conflict of interest. IDF has appointed a CEO: Marco Tomasini.

In his capacity, with Mutlu Turkmen, he will the main contact for the international stakeholders and WDF.

The agenda is concluded and the president of the assembly took back the speech asking to appoint Marco Zerbini as the Sport Director of the IDF and to appoint Giovanni Gallo as the Sport for all Director of the IDF.

The EGM approved unanimously.

There are no more requests from the members and the EGM is closed at 19:00 after a quick speech of the CEO.

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