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FIGeST recognized by the Italian Paralympic Committee!

Writer: Webmaster OfficeWebmaster Office
IDF is proudly announcing that the Italian Member, FIGeST - Federazione Italiana Giochi e Sport Tradizionali, has been recognized by the Italian Paralympic Committee.
FIGeST was already recognized by the National Olympic Committee of Italy as the official governing body for darts (steel and soft Darts) and now, after a long path and a development plan, FIGeST has been recognized as the official national federation for Soft Darts and Steel Darts from the National Paralympic Committee.
This amazing success has been delivered thanks to te amazing job done by the IDF Sport Director, Marco Zerbini, national parasport head of FIGeST.
This is an amazing milestone for the history of IDF that it is reaching the highest recognition in Italy.
IDF is thankfull to Mr Enzo Casadidio, president of FIGeST, for the amazing support at national and international level, having reached this amazing result.



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