IDF is very happy to announce the new membership inside FIPES - Fédération internationale d´éducation physique et sportive!
Founded in 1923 in Brussels, the aim of the Federation is to promote the development of a broad range of activities in the fields of Education, Physical Education and Sports Education, Sport for All, Fitness and Health, Recreation, and the use and protection of the Outdoors, for people of all ages and in all countries of the World, and to foster and contribute to international cooperation in these fields. The FIEP is an independent, non-governmental organization ready to collaborate with all individuals, institutions and organizations in the pursuit of this broad aim. The Federation provides a network of contacts and a means of communication and exchange amongst individuals and organizations. It has ‘Recognised Organization’ status with the international Olympic Committee.
It has close working relationships with the International Counsil of Sport Science and Physical Education, Arab Confederation of Sport ,L’Union Arabe de l’Education Physique et du Sport and another international organisation . The broad range of events, projects and other activities organized or supported by the Federation concern the scientific, technical, teaching and management aspects of physical education, sport, physical recreation, fitness and health. The principal means of action of the FIEP are: Publication of the FIEP Bulletin, which has appeared in different forms for more than 75 years. Organization and support of various activities, including: Regional and ad-hoc Commissions. Practical Courses, Congresses and Symposia, Exchange Travel by both individuals and groups. Research, documentation and information exchange with other national and international bodies . The FIEP network of National Delegates, Committees and members extends into more one hundred and twenty countries and this number is growing as new countries apply for membership.